Sunday, January 25, 2015

Zalas Creek

Today was a hot day, especially when you are cleaning backpacker's dorm rooms for four hours! After work, Chris, Mike, Hannah and I really wanted to go for a swim. Unfortunately there aren't any known places accessible to tourists that aren't eel invested... Luckily for us, we work with the locals and they showed us a great place where we could go cliff jumping (or if you're me, just go for a swim). 

Lots of little caves in the area, Chris spent some time exploring... But nothing to report 

Hannah was brave and took the leap! 

Other than that, we are working and exploring the little town of Franz Josef. Tomorrow we have the day off, so we are planning on going on a huge hike! 

Still no news on where we are going from here. We have applied to many jobs in the south, but no luck so far. We may end up going to Queenstown and trying our luck there! 


  1. So many good expiriences in some beautiful places! I hope you are having fun! Love you!

  2. So many good expiriences in some beautiful places! I hope you are having fun! Love you!
