Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mice Looking for Cheese

The Fellowship's Adventures: Day 5

Today, Saturday the 7th, we took a nice drive to a smaller town called Wanaka. Wanaka is known around here as Little Queenstown because it also has all sorts of tourist attractions. We went to Wanaka originally in hopes to do a full day hike, but it ended up raining all morning so we had a quick change of plans! 

A quick pit stop on the way to Wanaka

Once in Wanaka we found a place called Puzzling World. It was a museum full of illusions and had a grand, life size maze that you could go through! 

The Tilted House... Truly mind boggling! 

The Lincolns really liked to follow Hannah

I may be taller than Hannah... But not by this much! 

Where's the water coming from??? The faucet is suspended from the ceiling... hmm

Just a small part of the maze

The maze was to take 30-60 minutes and we had to get to each of the four towers in the corners and then make our way back to the beginning. By this point in the morning, it was now afternoon and lunchtime, so the whole time during the maze I felt like a mouse, and the reward was some food after you accomplished the whole thing. I don't know how long it actually took us, but we managed to find all the towers and make our way to the end. 

Last tower! 

We had to stop for a bathroom break on the way out 

Lots of thinking to do...

One last photo op! Who knew Hannah could be so strong! 

By the time we finished lunch the rain had stopped and the sun came out (just as Val commanded). Since most of the hiking tracks were muddy from the rainy. We decided to go for a walk along the lake.

As usual the pictures can describe the beauty better than my words. It turned out to be an incredible day, despite the rain! When we got back to Queenstown, we went our for a nice dinner, thank to Grandma Hawes :) Hannah and I never go out to eat, so it was a really nice treat, thanks Grandma!! 


  1. Everything is beautiful!!! And this puzzle world looks very funny!

  2. Everything is beautiful!!! And this puzzle world looks very funny!
