Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Queenstown Shenanigans

We've been here for almost three weeks now. Living in hostels it's really easy to make friends. Our favorite hang out spot is the beach by the lake. During the day we swim, read and enjoy the sun. At night, people grab a six pack, listen to music, and meet all sorts of new people. Hannah likes to play a lot of soccer while I usually chat with random people. One day while Hannah was playing soccer, I started talking to some Brazilians and we ended up playing some Samba music and dancing for awhile! it was so much fun!

Hannah playing some Soccer

A Brazilian showing us how it's done 

Night on the beach, people just chillin and drinking some beer 

Proof that we actually have friends! :)

We are here for another week and a half. My mom is coming here in just a few days! I'm excited to show her around and adventure out of Queenstown (shes renting a car) :). Until then, I'll continue working, I'm housekeeping the next few days and and doing some inventory work at a gift shop too!


  1. Unfortunately not all of us brazilians can do ball tricks, but we can dance! Well in my case I need to m bendrunk, what's a minor detail.

  2. Unfortunately not all of us brazilians can do ball tricks, but we can dance! Well in my case I need to m bendrunk, what's a minor detail.
